Thursday, June 16, 2011
Jaime. Freakin'. Hernandez.
Yeah, that's right. Artistic Powerhouse Jaime Hernandez, of legendary "Love and Rockets" fame (and yeah, the comic came first, NOT the band, although I dig them too) came to Heroes Con in Charlotte back in 2006, and was rockin' the house. I was of course terrified to approach him, as I'm a HUGE admirer of his work, but I just couldn't pass up the chance to get drawings from him, as it is so rare that he ever comes to NC (he hasn't been back since, so I'm glad I did). What kills me is how fast he cranked this out. Literally in under 2 minutes. No pomp and circumstance, no glitz or glamor, just him sitting quietly at an empty table with a bristol pad and a few pencils. A little handmade sign with his name, and that's it. Why no one was lining up around the block for him was beyond me, but I wasn't going to argue. Of course I couldn't decide on what to get him to do, so I got 2. Red Vengeance, which you see here, and of course a Hopey sketch. Absolute gorgeousness, done effortlessly in the blink of an eye, made to look deceptively simple. He's such a genius with faces, I made sure he drew RV with his helmet off, showing John Conroy underneath. If I had the money and if it wouldn't have made him angry, I would have stood there all day and just said "Hit me again." "Again". and just had him do drawings the whole time. Jaime, you da man. And damn you for drawing my character better than me, in like less than a minute. Gah!